Your RISE training replay

Hey Ruckus Maker,

Thanks for registering for the RISE training we hosted last Monday.

If you missed it live (or want to watch again), here's something that'll make you hit play …

I share a story of the absolute worst way to start a school year that led me to develop the RISE method – and during the training, I broke down exactly how to:

  • Shift from reactive admin to strategic leader

  • Identify your "lead domino" initiatives

  • Execute with energy (without burning out)

My favorite moment?

When everyone on the call said they were going to use what I taught with their admin team this week. These Ruckus Makers are positioned to execute a great 2025 on campus.

Keep Making a Ruckus,


PS … Stick around for the pre-mortem technique at minute 56. It's a game-changer that I wish I'd known about during that scheduling fiasco.

PPS … if you’ve ever considered joining one of our leadership programs, I’ve put together a great opportunity for you that expires Jan 27th.


or to participate.