Want to know my biggest leadership secret?

How one leadership meeting changed everything

How do I know?

Because it changed MY life (as well as the 640+ Ruckus Makers I helped last year).

  • Catapulting me as a highly sought after leadership mentor

  • Took a very good school to the level of LEGENDARY

  • Installed a “calm” culture that transformed from stressed and reactive to calm and focused

  • Nurtured a parent network that was thrilled with the progress they saw

  • Created a culture where students demonstrated ownership and agency over their development

And none of this would have been possible if I hadn't developed these frameworks to Do School Different.

So today, I'd like to share my story with you.

Because chances are, you're in the same boat I was before I figured this out.

Want to know where the 90-Day Accelerator really started?

Picture this: My first leadership meeting as principal. I'm surrounded by department chairs with more letters after their names than in them.

Dr. This.
Dr. That.

And there I am, wondering how I'm supposed to coach these veteran educators when I'm the new kid on the block.

But here's what hit me like a ton of bricks during that meeting:

  • We weren't talking about students.

  • We weren't discussing innovation.

  • We weren't Making a Ruckus.

We were just doing what had always been done.

A little bit better maybe, but nothing revolutionary.

Know what I realized in that moment?

Our students were succeeding DESPITE our systems, not because of them.

Let that sink in.

These bright, capable kids were navigating a system designed for a world that doesn't exist anymore. And they were still crushing it.

Imagine what they could do if we actually built something worth showing up for.

That's when I knew: We needed more than better administration. We needed true educational leadership.

Play-It-Safe-Principals would've kept the status quo. But I'm a Ruckus Maker.

The result?

We became a top 10 high school in Illinois.

But here's what really matters: We created a campus where students AND teachers couldn't wait to show up each day.

  • No more "We've always done it this way."

  • No more soul-crushing bureaucracy.

  • No more settling for good enough.

Just pure, innovative, educational disruption.

(The good kind, of course.)

Sure, it wasn’t easy. But armed with a compelling vision and leadership, we put in the hard work to change “how things were done here.”

The result: A top 10 high school in Illinois.

Sound familiar?

Well, it all changed when I threw the traditional principal playbook out the window and started developing what would become the 90-Day Accelerator methodology.

Instead of trying to be a better administrator, I focused on being a true educational leader.

I created frameworks that:

  • Eliminated 80% of the daily fires that consumed my time

  • Built systems that empowered teachers to solve problems independently

  • Created a culture where innovation thrived

  • Turned critics into champions through strategic relationship building

And suddenly, everything changed:

  • Reactive leadership → Proactive innovation

  • Staff resistance → Teacher empowerment

  • Endless meetings → Focused collaboration

  • Burnout → Sustainable impact

  • Isolation → Community support

Not to mention:

  • Teacher retention increased

  • Student engagement scores rose

  • Parent satisfaction hit record highs

  • District leadership took notice

  • Other principals started asking for guidance

And most importantly, I finally created a campus where students and teachers couldn't wait to show up each day.

For years, I've been sharing these frameworks at live events, workshops, and 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

But here's the thing…

I can only be in so many places at once. And every principal deserves access to these proven strategies.

Now, let's fast forward to today.

Just last year alone, we helped over 640 principals transform their campuses using these frameworks.

Here's what they've achieved:

  • Created award-winning school cultures

  • Launched innovative programs in record time

  • Built waitlists of teachers wanting to join their campuses

  • Won "Principal of the Year" recognition

  • Generated measurable improvements in student outcomes

  • Reclaimed work-life balance while increasing impact

Most importantly, they've proven that these frameworks work in:

  • Public and private schools

  • Urban and rural settings

  • Elementary through high school

  • Traditional and progressive districts

  • Well-funded and under-resourced environments

Now, I wanted to share this story with you because since you subscribed to Ruckus Makers, I know you're trying to create meaningful change on your campus.

So, I'm here to make a promise to you:

If you're tired of:

  • Constantly putting out fires

  • Fighting the status quo alone

  • Watching innovative ideas die in committee

  • Missing dinner with your family

  • Feeling like an administrator instead of a leader

I promise this is exactly what you need.

And that's exactly what we'll help you implement inside the 90-Day Accelerator.

Click the button below to join The 90-Day Accelerator waitlist. This program is available ONCE in 2025 during the Feb 27-March 7 window.

Can't wait to see you inside.

Keep Making a Ruckus,


PS… A recent graduate told me: "I was skeptical at first, but these frameworks helped me accomplish more in 90 days than I did in the previous 3 years." Don't wait to create the impact you know is possible.

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