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  • To Be Kind to Yourself, Or to Be Kind to Others? That is the Question.

To Be Kind to Yourself, Or to Be Kind to Others? That is the Question.

Imagine being the type of leader that is on the Superintendent’s speed dial list, as that’s how often you provide value. 

Or when the top educator in your district subs for you at your site they are admittedly nervous to fill your shoes because your daily impact is tremendous. 

Meet Jess Hutchison, principal of Avoca West Elementary School, who is both of the above; clearly defining why she describes herself as a constant caretaker. 

Jess was faced with two challenges that were presented to her that are unfortunately all too common in school leaders today. 

CHALLENGE #1 –  she found herself pushing the boundaries of innovation, without knowing how far she’s gone or how much more she should push. This is a common characteristic of a Ruckus Maker! 

Without a network of leaders to collaborate with and learn from, leaders often find themselves isolated, and this leads directly to lack of innovative possibilities or even worse, lack of efficiency. 

CHALLENGE #2 – Jess found that she was so focused on everyone else, that she needed to do something for herself.  As a mom of two, a teacher and literacy coach for more than a decade, and a principal for almost that same amount of time, Jess searched for answers. 

Although every site is different and every leader unique, we can all benefit from knowing that we are all still life long learners nonetheless. 

Leaders easily get tied up in the day to day solving everyone else’s problems in most cases, except their own. Jess found after the first few years as a leader that the position can increasingly become isolating. She was showing positive results, but that’s because she was working tirelessly to achieve them. 

When leaders decide to level up and join the BLBS Mastermind, for that one hour a week the possibilities are endless with regards to the impact the sessions will have. 

Perhaps you are the leader with every second accounted for and can’t find the time to invest in yourself because of that. Jess was this way too, but she found a way, to join:

When you join the Mastermind cohort, you will be exposed to leaders like Jess who want to collaborate and learn from others who are always looking to push the boundaries of education. The weekly ‘Hot Seat’ will allow dedicated time to solving your unique issues and situations. 

Don’t let the pandemic make you think we can’t make a Ruckus in schools today. 

Think about it like Jess, when she says:

In answering the question as to how leaders can care for themselves when they are constantly concerned with the need to attend to everyone else around them – look at Jess as a perfect example. 

Taking the time for yourself helps you maximize your efficiency when you spend time with others. 

Ready to Level Up?

Stop putting your needs last and prioritize the leadership development you deserve. 

You are WORTH it!


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