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  • Ruckus Wrapped 2024: Your Year in Making Change

Ruckus Wrapped 2024: Your Year in Making Change

In partnership with

I’ll keep this intro short and sweet …

Today we share the 5 most listened to pod episodes from 2024.

Enjoy each show, and consider sharing with a colleague.

(If the email is cut off in your inbox for some reason — click the read online button in the top right corner)

First time reading? Sign up here and join 5,704 learning to Do School Different 🎉


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🎁 Ruckus Wrapped: 2024’s Top 5 Episodes

Below are the TOP 5 episodes from 2024.

For each show we share:

  • How to listen

  • # of downloads

  • Standout moment

  • Key insights

  • And a memorable quote

This newsletter is a great one to share with colleagues.

#1. How to Make a Ruckus in 2024 with Danny Bauer

Listen on Apple or Spotify.

Downloads: 1,959

Standout Moment: The introduction of the After Action Review tool, showing leaders how to reflect and adapt rather than just add new initiatives.

Key Insights That Resonated:

  • "You can never go wrong treating people right"

  • Powerful: The "1 hour is all you need" for deep work

  • Why mindset shifts must precede tactical changes

  • The importance of celebrating wins before planning next steps

If education ain't a bit disruptive, then what are your students really learning?

-Danny Bauer

#2. Unleashing Excellence with Dr. Leena Bakshi

Listen on Apple or Spotify.

Downloads: 1,840

Standout Moment: When Dr. Leena challenged the group of resistant leaders to envision something different - and they surpassed everyone's expectations.

Key Insights That Resonated:

  • Building relationships must precede major changes

  • The power of asking questions instead of giving answers

  • How to create space for productive struggle

  • Why innovation requires psychological safety

There’s a lot of pressure and a lot of challenges to maintain the status quo and to keep doing what the system has always done, even in education. But if our kids deserve better and equity is something we should all be fighting for, then how are we changing the system to produce a better result?

#3. Creating Equity & Fairness with Jason Ablin

Listen on Apple or Spotify.

Downloads: 1,799

Standout Moment: Jason's candid sharing of his early leadership experience when research revealed his unconscious gender biases in teaching, transforming how he approached equity work.

Key Insights That Resonated:

  • The power of receiving and acting on difficult feedback

  • How small shifts in practice can lead to systemic change

  • Why equity work requires looking at our own "baggage"

  • The importance of asking "would I do this with a different gender?"

We talk about failing forward with technology and curriculum. We don't talk about failure on an interpersonal level.

Jason Ablin

#4. The Power of Disruptive Innovation with Zaretta Hammond

Listen on Apple or Spotify.

Downloads: 1,724

Standout Moment: Zaretta's breakdown of cognitive redlining and how well-intentioned practices can perpetuate inequity.

Key Insights That Resonated:

  • Moving from performance to transformation in equity work

  • Understanding how change actually happens in schools

  • The critical role of instructional coaches as "linchpins"

  • Why intellectual curiosity drives lasting change

"Information isn't transformation. Talking is not going to translate into change."

Zaretta Hammond

#5. How to Live an Epic Life with Justin Breen

Listen on Apple or Spotify.

Downloads: 1,713

Standout Moment: Justin flipped the script on how we think about priorities, challenging the notion that success means sacrificing family.

Key Insights That Resonated:

  • The power of making "investments" rather than seeing "costs"

  • Why visionaries need to be intentional about their time and energy

  • How to shift from a selling mindset to a giving mindset

  • The transformative power of naming your year (his 2024 focus: "Century Club")

If you destroy your family for the ruckus you're making to change the world, then might not be the right ruckus to make.

Justin Breen


Alba’s 1st Xmas 🎄


As 2024 ends, let me be the first to say THANK YOU for being a reader of this newsletter and listener of the podcast.

I hope you have an holiday season filled with love and peace with your friends and family.

See you in 2025 — a fantastic opportunity to reimagine education, even within traditional systems, so that students are excited to be at school and learn.

That’s what it means to Do School Different.

Keep Making a Ruckus,


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