Is the 90-Day Accelerator right for you?

Most principals start each school year with big dreams of transformation. But by October, they're drowning in paperwork, putting out fires, and wondering where their vision went wrong.

What if I told you the problem isn't you — it's that no one taught you the right system?

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Is the 90-Day Accelerator Right for You?

As you think about your leadership journey, here are 10 questions that will help you decide if the 90-Day Accelerator is right for you:

  1. Do you struggle to create meaningful change, starting with great ambition but getting swallowed by the day-to-day chaos?

  2. Is "develop a strategic plan" always on your to-do list, but something you never seem to find time for?

  3. Do you find yourself overthinking every decision, held back by the pressure of getting it "perfect" for your school community?

  4. Are you familiar with the dread of walking into another unfocused staff meeting that could have been an email?

  5. Do you spend time "planning to plan" by reading leadership books and attending conferences, but struggle to implement real change?

  6. Do you find yourself constantly putting out fires instead of building the systems that would prevent them?

  7. Have you found school leadership to be somewhat isolating, with few peers who truly understand your challenges?

  8. Are you familiar with the feeling of finally launching a new initiative, only to have it fizzle out due to lack of buy-in or follow-through?

  9. Are you held back by the fear of making waves in your district, while at the same time frustrated that you're not creating the meaningful campus experience your students deserve?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you're in luck.

Because the 640+ Ruckus Makers who implemented our system last year all faced these exact same problems. And they've transformed their schools using our proven system that includes:

  • The Focus Funnel – Eliminate, automate, or delegate 80% of the tasks eating up your time

  • Dream 100 Tool – Build genuine relationships with your top 100 stakeholders in 90 days

  • Culture Building Checklist – Create "I don't want to miss this" moments that boost attendance by 12%

  • Personal Interest Inventory – Turn your biggest critics into your strongest champions

In fact, principals who complete the 90-Day Accelerator report:

  • A significant decrease in daily interruptions

  • 2x increase in meaningful teacher observations

  • Huge improvement in staff meeting effectiveness

  • 3x more strategic planning time

I've carefully designed the 90-Day Accelerator to help you eliminate each and every one of these problems through proven frameworks, tools, and systems that work.

And in case you're not quite sure yet if the 90-Day Accelerator is right for you, here are the 3 most common leaders who join our programs …

The New Principal: Recently hired or about to step into the role, you want to start strong and make an immediate positive impact, but you're worried about navigating the complexity of your new position.

The Frustrated Innovator: You have bold ideas for reimagining education, but you're stuck in a traditional system that seems resistant to change. You know there has to be a better way.

The Veteran Looking to Level Up: You've got experience under your belt, but you're ready to move from good to great. You want to leave a legacy that transforms your campus for generations to come.

So if you fall into one of these 3 categories, then the 90-Day Accelerator was made for you.

And I would love to help you break free from the administrator trap and create a legendary campus experience worth showing up for.

The waitlist for this program is open until Feb 26.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Benjamin Franklin


Ready to Do School Different?

Look, I get it. Creating meaningful change in education feels impossible when you're buried in the day-to-day chaos of running a school.

But here's what I know about you: You didn't become a principal to maintain the status quo. You're here to make a real difference.

The 90-Day Accelerator gives you the frameworks, tools, and support to transform your campus from surviving to thriving. No more drowning in administrative tasks. No more lonely leadership. Just clear systems that work.

Over 640 Ruckus Makers have already used this system to create legendary campus experiences their students actually want to show up for.

Ready to join them?

Keep Making a Ruckus,


P.S. The waitlist closes February 26th. And the 90-Day Accelerator will only be available once in 2025. Don't miss your chance to transform your campus this year.

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