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- How one leader “bet on herself” and created a remarkable culture
How one leader “bet on herself” and created a remarkable culture

Meet Jessica Gamble, mom, wife, and principal of an elementary school in Cleveland.
She’s also the only other principal I know who has integrated her parents into her school life.
Another fun fact about Jessica – she was the captain of the Washington Wizards “fan patrol” – so you know she has big energy and big fun!
Before joining The Ruckus Maker Mastermind™ Jessica was at a crossroads. Her district was training her to be a manager and she wanted to deepen her leadership practice.
And another wake up call: she has no memories of any school principal in her entire life.
Not one!
But that’s not how Jessica rolls. As an elementary school principal, she makes it a point to see every student, every day.
Jessica wants to have connections with staff and students. She also enjoys noodling on big questions, like:
These are the kind of questions that excite Jessica.
Questions like these are important. Have you heard it said that, “managers have answers and leaders ask questions”?
I agree with that statement 100%!

Jessica knew this to be true as well. She wanted to be a great leader, not just a manager, so she looked for support.
Jessica is NOT a Play-It-Safe-Principal. She’s a Ruckus Maker!
The problem …
The district wasn’t seeing or hearing her. Their monthly principal meetings focused 100% on the managerial aspect of the role.
Can you relate?
So Jessica jumped right into The Ruckus Maker Mastermind™.
In her words:
She never should have doubted that she’d get in The Ruckus Maker Mastermind™. When Jessica joined, our community upgraded.
But joining our community wasn’t a walk in the park. Jessica was nervous and second guessed the value she could bring to the other principals.
During her first meeting she thought:
“Holy moly, you guys are going through some really interesting things and I can’t even begin to give you advice on how you should or could handle those situations.”
But her nervousness and doubt disappeared somewhere during her first meeting:
That might be the most meaningful feedback I’ve ever received from a mastermind member.
Belonging is important to us here at Better Leaders Better Schools.
It’s also the “B” in the ABCs of Powerful Professional Development ® and one reason The Ruckus Maker Mastermind™ is such a hit with Jessica and many other school leaders.
Feeling connected is important, but we’re in the results business as well.
When I asked Jessica how life and leadership is now different, she said:
Jessica’s confidence is inspiring and a key component of effective school leadership.
As for parting advice, here’s what Jessica has to say:
Are you ready to “bet on yourself” and upgrade your bravery and confidence?
Today is the day to apply to The Ruckus Maker Mastermind™.
We can help you create strong relationships with students and become a principal your community will never forget.
We will also help you upgrade your confidence. Kiss goodbye apologizing for wanting what you want – especially when it’s good for kids!
Apply to our community here: https://www.betterleadersbetterschools.com/mastermind-application/
(We have two cohorts for women in leadership and a cohort focused on BIPOC school leaders as well).
Like Jessica said, “Bet on yourself by applying to The Ruckus Maker Mastermind™. You won’t be disappointed!”
Thank you for reading Ruckus Makers. This post is public so feel free to share it.
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