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Are you making any progress as a new principal?

Most principals start with operations. Here's why that's holding you back...

Hey Ruckus Maker,

How long have you been trying to create meaningful change in your school?

  • A year? Two years? Five years?

  • Five months? One month?

  • Just got started?

A lot of people dive straight into operations and logistics over and over only to see minimal impact.

(And they have no idea they're doing things the hard way.)

The reason focusing on operations first tends to leave principals feeling frustrated is because it ignores the foundation of true transformation.

You spend all your time putting out fires and managing schedules, but nothing fundamentally changes in your school.

Instead of starting with operations, we begin with self-leadership, then move to communication systems, academic focus, culture building, and finally operations. This sequence creates lasting change because it builds the right foundation first.

Of course, there's an art to implementing this approach.

Otherwise, every principal would transform their school immediately.

A lot of people focus on district mandates, test scores, or daily operations management.

But the key is actually building systems that create an Automatic School — one that basically runs itself because everyone is empowered and aligned with your vision.

So, is your approach to school leadership not working?

Have you been at it for a while and are tired of not seeing real transformation?

Do you feel like you're constantly putting out fires without making lasting progress?

Or maybe you've just been appointed as principal and want to avoid these mistakes from day one.

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone.

I've helped thousands of school leaders implement the frameworks inside the 90-Day Accelerator. Together, we’ve created meaningful campus experiences that staff, students, and parents love — and I'd love to help YOU do the same, too.

Click below to join the 90-Day Accelerator waitlist.

Keep Making a Ruckus,


PS… The 90-Day Accelerator is available ONCE in 2025 from Feb 27-March 7. Join the waitlist today to be first in line when enrollment opens.

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